NFA Fingerprinting
This Service Includes
- Fingerprints:
a) Used To Create A Digital EFT (Electronic Fingerprint Transmission) File, or
b) Printed On Two (2) Standard FBI FD-258 Fingerprint Cards - Picture:
a) Digital Picture, or
b) Two (2) Passport Quality Pictures
We are an FFL dealer. If you are purchasing an NFA item we can help you save money and get everything done much faster and easier than anyone else. See our online store, NFA Firearm Transfers, or need help completing an NFA Form 1.
Fingerprints and passport picture(s) are required for ALL Responsible Persons when submitting an ATF Form 4 or ATF Form 1 to the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (BATFE/ATF). If you are submitting the ATF Form as an individual, you are the only Responsible Person. If you are submitting the ATF Form as a Trust, the Responsible Person is the Settlor, Trustee(s), and Co-Trustees. See more information about “What Is A Responsible Person?“
ATF eForms Website:
If you are submitting an eForm 1 or eForm 4 on the ATF eForms website you must upload a digital passport picture to the Responsible Person section, but you have two options to submit fingerprints.
1. Upload the fingerprints in an encrypted format called an Electronic Fingerprint Transmission (EFT) file.
2. Mail two completed FD-258 fingerprint cards including the Cover Letter you received in your email when the form was submitted within 10 days after the Form 1 or Form 4 was submitted.
Paper Form:
If you are submitting a paper Form 1 or Form 4 you must mail two completed FD-258 fingerprint cards and two passport pictures with each application. If you are putting the NFA firearm into a Trust, each Responsible Person only needs one passport picture which is attached to the ATF Form 23 Responsible Person Questionnaire.
RETURN CUSTOMERS: If we complete your fingerprints on or after November 3rd, 2021 updates can be made to your EFT file if your address, personal information, etc. have changed. This service can not update your fingerprints themselves or make changes to your fingerprints. Fingerprints completed on or before November 2nd, 2021 we will need to redo your fingerprints to create the EFT file.
Why Choose Us?
We use the latest high-resolution, highest quality, up-to-date technology live scan devices, and fingerprint capture equipment that has a 99% approval rate.
For more information see our Worry Free Acceptance Guarantee.
What You Need For Your Appointment
1. VALID Government-Issued Identification
Your identification cannot be expired and must contain a photo, physical description, signature, date of birth, etc.
What Is Acceptable Identification?
Government-issued picture identification that is valid (not expired) with the individual’s name, date of birth, signature, or fingerprint is required to ensure proper identification unless otherwise prohibited by law. The ID must be legible and intact.
The exceptions to having a signature or fingerprint are government-issued Military IDs, Passport Cards, Permanent Resident Alien Cards (Green Cards), and Employment Authorization Documents (EAD) (these contain no visible signature).
Acceptable Forms of Valid ID
- Driver’s License From Any State Or Country
We accept mobile ID! (It is not a picture of your ID on your phone) See our FAQs for more information
Utah Driving Privilege Cards Will Not Be Accepted - Identification Card From Any State Or Country
- Passport From Any State Or Country, With Or Without Appropriate Immigration Document(s)
- Passport Card From Any State Or Country, With Or Without Appropriate Immigration Document(s)
- Border Crossing Card
- Permanent Resident Alien Card (I-551 – Green Card)
- Consulate Card From Any Country
- Military ID
- Uniformed Services Identification Card
- Department of Defense Common Access Card
- U.S. Coast Guard Merchant Mariner Card
- Other Military IDs (Military Dependent ID Card)
- Employment Authorization Documents (I-766 – EAD)
- Federal Government Personal Identity Verification Card (PIV)
2. Payment
We accept all US credit/debit cards including Visa, Mastercard, Discover, American Express, JCB, and UnionPay. Contact and Contactless EMV, Magnetic Stripe, and Manual Card Entry. NFC payment to pay using a phone or smartwatch such as Apple Pay®, Google Pay™, Samsung Pay, and digital wallets such as Venmo, Paypal, and Cash App.
Tax Is INCLUDED – NO Added Card Processing Fees
We Do Not Accept Personal Checks Or Money Orders
Appointment Required
Additional Information
The cost above reflects the original EFT file and digital picture to be submitted to the ATF eForms website. The following costs may also apply.
ATF eForms
$15.00 Original cost includes the EFT file for ATF eForms and a digital picture
$10.00 For each additional EFT file and a digital picture
ATF Paper Forms
$15.00 Two fingerprint cards and two passport pictures
$5.00 For each additional fingerprint card, per card
$5.00 For each additional passport picture, two pictures